Celina Kiwanis Blog
Coldwater Kiwanis Club
Kevin Pyle, Kelly Reigelsperger, George Kornegor, Cindy May, Amy and Rita Morrissey, and Hans Rehrmann departed Celina shortly after 6 AM on Saturday, 25 August 2012. They arrived just before 9 AM at the Recreation Unlimited facilities near Ashley Ohio were the Convention too place.
The festivities were already underways. For some reason our portion of the pop-tabs was ignored at the the weigh-in.
The next thing on the agenda was a new item was that was billed as "Special Olympics". It consisted of a 25 meter walk, a 25 meter run, and a baseball toss. Two and one half hours were allotted to this event which took less than one half hour to complete ruslting in 2 hours down time.
We left after the awards were presented at 6:35 PM arriving back in Celina at 8:35 PM.
From front to rear, left to right, kelly Reigelsperger, George Kornegor, Rita Morrissey, Amy Morrisey, Cindy May, and Kevin Pyle.
The start of the 25 meter walk.