Friday, December 23, 2011

Current Officers

Celina Kiwanis Blog 
Coldwater Kiwanis Club 

Board Members

Celina Kiwanis Blog
Coldwater Kiwanis Club 
Current Officers 

Aktion Club Board of Directors

The board of directors is composed of the club’s executive officers (president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer) and directors (four individuals from the club’s membership). The board of directors is responsible for administration of the club. Board members share information during meetings and make decisions about conducting club business.

The club president develops an agenda (a listing of points for discussion). The president asks members to submit topics for the agenda; he/she also will request that committee chairmen give reports, which also are listed as items on the agenda.

The president leads the group through the agenda by presenting each discussion item and listens to comments and suggestions. In doing so, the group should use parliamentary procedure, which is a set of rules for conducting business meetings. (Aktion Club Bulletin – Parliamentary Procedure - will assist the board of directors with the process of presenting suggestions - or motions - and voting on those motions to carry out action.)

The club secretary should take notes (or minutes) during board discussion. Minutes of the board meeting are filed in a notebook and kept as a record of club business. Board meeting minutes guide club members in their activities by clearly identifying projects the board voted to conduct.

If possible, every member of the club should serve on a committee. This way each member has a voice in directing club business, because committee chairmen present topics for discussion to the board of directors.

As the club’s governing body, the Board of Directors should:

  • Conduct regular monthly meetings at a time determined by the board.
  • Require that the chairman of each committee or his/her representative be present at each meeting to give a report of the committee’s activities.
  • Make suggestions to the committees regarding their work; outline an active, continuous program of club service, social, and fund-raising activities. 
  • Approve the budget and approve all club expenditures, if applicable.
  • Request that the Kiwanis adviser be present at all board meetings. 
  • Perform other duties such as may be referred to by the club.
  • Appoint members to all standing and special committees as needed to carry out the club’s service program. Each member should be on a committee and actively engaged in the work of the club. 
  • Report all action taken by the board of directors to the club at the regular business meetings. 
    Invite members to attend board meetings at any time.
  • Approve new members and membership deletions.

     Board Members

    Kelly Reigelperger

    Amy Morrissey

    Steven Reier

    Jim Norris 

