Sunday, August 26, 2012

Convention 2012

Celina Kiwanis Blog
Coldwater Kiwanis Club 


Kevin Pyle, Kelly Reigelsperger, George Kornegor, Cindy May, Amy and Rita Morrissey, and Hans Rehrmann departed Celina shortly after 6 AM on Saturday, 25 August 2012. They arrived just before 9 AM at the Recreation Unlimited facilities near Ashley Ohio were the Convention too place.
The festivities were already underways. For some reason our portion of the pop-tabs was ignored at the the weigh-in.
The next thing on the agenda was a new item was that was billed as "Special Olympics".  It consisted of a 25 meter walk, a 25 meter run, and a baseball toss. Two and one half hours were allotted to this event which took less than one half hour to complete ruslting in 2 hours down time.
We left after the awards were presented at 6:35 PM arriving back in Celina at 8:35 PM.
From front to rear, left to right, kelly Reigelsperger, George Kornegor, Rita Morrissey, Amy Morrisey, Cindy May, and Kevin Pyle.

Lining up for the 25 meter walk.
The start of the 25 meter walk.
Look at George an Cindy go.

Baseball toss

Kelly Reigelsperger

Rita Morrissey

George and Hans chowing down.

More Chowhounds.

Kevin and Amy.

The featured speaker, Dan Kayser, and his wife.

A Lima Aktion member and Sande.

George is exhausted.

And so are these two.
