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Kevin Pyle.
Planning Calendar-Club Adviser.
Conduct board training for club officers, directors, and committee chairmen. If possible, include Key Club or Circle K members in the training session. Membership fees - Go to the Membership Update Center on the Aktion Club website to update your club information and print your club dues invoice. Submit the invoice and membership roster form along with membership fees, to Kiwanis International. Budget and plan to attend the Aktion Club Training and Leadership Conference. Keep projects and committees moving. Kiwanis Family activities - encourage your club officers to plan a Kiwanis-family project with your sponsoring Kiwanis club and local Circle K, Key Club, Builders Club, or K-Kids club.
Kiwanis meeting - make arrangements for several Aktion Club members to attend a Kiwanis weekly meeting. Plan inter-club holiday parties and service projects with members of the Kiwanis family in your area. Kiwanis family month - November is a great time to ask members of the Kiwanis family to attend your meeting or for you to attend one of theirs. Ask them to present a program or volunteer to be their program. Keep working for strong Kiwanis-family relations. Committee update -assess how the committees are functioning and determine how to strengthen problem areas, if necessary, with the board of directors. Membership fees - make sure your club’s international fees have been paid. Submit an Aktion Club website project report to the international office if there is an interesting club project you would like to share with other clubs.
Evaluate progress - use a board of directors meeting to discuss the club’s progress so far! What’s been accomplished? How many service projects have been completed? This might be a good time to review the Distinguished Club Award criteria by reviewing the Annual Aktion Club Achievement Report Form. The form highlights activities the club should be conducting on a regular basis. Complete the Activity Report form and send to your district administrator. Social events - organize a social event for the club, such as a dance or a holiday party. Send a new-member add form, along with the dues for any new members joining this month, to Kiwanis International.
Membership drive - conduct a membership drive. Take in new members. Send their names, addresses, and fees to the International Office.
Aktion Club newsletter - Kiwanis advisors and agency advisors should check the Aktion Club website and review the Aktion Club on-line newsletter, the Aktion Connection. This newsletter contains helpful resources. Advisors are encouraged to save the newsletter for future reference.
Submit an Aktion Club website project report. If there is an interesting club project you want to share with other clubs. Complete the Activity Report form and send to your district administrator.
Election of club officers. Your club should elect new club officers if appropriate. This can also be done in late summer if preferred.
Conduct a meeting for newly elected and current club officers. Invite newly elected club officers and current club officers to attend a meeting to plan for the next year. Transfer files to new club officers. Make sure that the newly elected officers receive the information from the previous year. Organize the year. Plan the next year with your Aktion Club president. Committee Chairmen. Assist the president in determining club members’ interests, and begin committee and chairman assignments for the upcoming year. Submit an Aktion Club website project report. If there is an interesting club project you want to share with other clubs, complete the Club Web site Project Report and send it to Kiwanis International. Information is posted on the website. Plan to attend the sponsoring Kiwanis club Board of Directors meeting to provide input during the club’s budgeting process. Mention some of the projects the Aktion Club hopes to conduct, and provide an estimated cost of these service projects. Send a new member add form, along with member fees for any new members joining this month, to Kiwanis International.
Complete the Activity Report form and send to your district administrator.
Read. Study all Aktion Club educational materials available to you. Election. New club officers are elected in the spring and should be ready to take office at the beginning of October. If the club officers were not elected in the spring, this is the time to elect them. This also is the time to elect club directors who make up the remainder of the club’s board of directors. Refer to the Aktion Club Standard Form For Club Bylaws for guidance regarding election of officers.
Board training. Schedule a training session to assist the officers and directors with organizing their year. Board meeting. Meet with your club officers and directors to schedule a regular day and time each month to conduct the club’s board meetings. o Activity calendar. Have your club officers prepare a rough draft of a club activity calendar for the year. Remember to obtain a calendar of events from your sponsoring Kiwanis club for this planning session. Consider conducting a Project Survey to determine needs within the community. Prepare a committee sign-up sheet. The club officers should develop a list of club committees they would like to see formed. A sign-up sheet should be created and distributed at the first club meeting so every member can sign up to serve on a committee. Create a budget for the coming year based on your proposed activity calendar. Discuss needed funding and possible funding sources. There may be a need to plan a fund-raiser. Your sponsoring Kiwanis club might consider assisting with finances. Communicate with members. Give members club information about (parliamentary procedure, project survey instructions, Kiwanis information, etc.) and a proposed club calendar of activities. These items can be distributed at the first Aktion Club meeting.
Submit contest entry forms, report and the annual achievement report to your district administrator for receipt by September 15th. Committee assignments. Distribute committee sign-up sheet to club members at the first club meeting, and ask that each member sign up to be on a committee. Develop a filing system to retain club records. Begin compiling a chronological record of all the club’s activities to be filed in notebooks. Club members should be responsible for maintaining the notebooks. A notebook should be created for each of the following: Aktion Club mailings from Kiwanis International; minutes; activity reports and service project descriptions and photos; public relations items - club newsletters, news releases, etc. Notebooks become a useful resource when compiling reports and for planning the next year. The information also is accessible should the club decide to enter Aktion Club contests and awards programs. Refer to the Aktion Club Contest Booklet for more information. Membership fees. Make sure you complete the on-line Invoice and Membership Roster Form on the Aktion Club website. After information is entered on-line an invoice is generated. This invoice should be printed and submitted to Kiwanis International along with requested member fees. Review contest materials and consider participating. The Aktion Club Contest Booklet contains descriptions and entry forms for Aktion Club awards and contests. The contest booklet is posted on the Aktion Club website. Provide information about awards and contests to club members. Review reports due for the administrative year. Aktion Club Service Bulletin - Reports for the Administrative Year, includes all reports the club should submit to Kiwanis International. Board training. Confirm with the Kiwanis adviser the date to train club officers, board members, and committee chairmen. Determine the time and location of your training session. Make sure all involved are aware of this training information. Approach a Key Club or Circle K club to assist with the training session. Installation ceremony. Work with the club president to plan the installation ceremony. A suggested script is available from Kiwanis International to assist with the planning. When scheduling this function, be sure that member pins have arrived. Invite the Kiwanis governor and Aktion Club district administrator to attend the meeting and participate in the installation of officers. Complete the Activity Report form and send to your district administrator.
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